Tuesday 11 October 2011


Questionnaire for "Run" song
The questionnaire was designed to test the songs popularity and the effects it left on it's listener. I asked basic questions such as age and sexuality to help define my audience. Looking at my questionnaires the song was enjoyed by more males then females. Therefore my band mainly consisted  of  males. However I decided to have a female drummer because she could appear as a heart throb for the males and appeal to females who liked the music. I asked other  questions such as : What do you think the mood of the song is?. This question would be answered by circling a number on a Likert scale. A Likert scale is a scale of one to another number allowing varied degrees of different opinions. From the majority of answers to this question the mood was largely downbeat. This helped me to make assumptions about the type of atmoshpere I wanted to create for my music video. However the negative aspect of using a  Likert scale was that I was unable to know why my listeners thought the song was downbeat. I then asked a variation of questions such as : What images or pictures come to mind when you listen to the song? , What feelings come to mind when listening to the song?. The answers to these questions helped me to design the lighting, costumes  and setting with more knowledge of what my audience would be interested in seeing in the video. I then asked if the music was similar to other artists the listener enjoyed. These answers enabled me to look at other artists which helped to inspire my bands look.

Some of the responses people had for the song were :


The listener described the song as being atmospheric,  and rated the song as downbeat. From this I decided to look at dark , atmospheric and grungy locations such as the streets of Camden, alley ways , old and historic parts of London and finally a basement in Gospel Oak which proved to be the perfect location.

"A black and white universe no colour"

This quote from a listener helped me to form the bands look. The listener described the song as having "no colour" therefore my band wore manily dark  and slightly punkish clothing .The girls and boys  wore white powder on their faces which was applied during the makeup process , this made them appear slightly ghostly and vamperic. To match the bands look , the basement had colourless walls and floors. The choice of location was heavily influenced by my listeners quote.


Emo is a style of music which is emotional and confessional. I decided to use teenagers to create my band because teenagers are associated with emotions and rebellion. Using teenagers as band members created a teenage angst vibe portraying the band members as teenagers who  drink to much, sleep until lunchtime and play their music throughout the night.

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