Tuesday 1 November 2011

Music Video Concepts

Music video concepts

Tube station:
One of my concepts for my music video was filimg in tube stations around London. Tube stations are busy and crowded places creating an intense atmopshere which matches the vibe and mood of the song.Setting my music video in a station would be perfect for capturing different and interesting shots as tube stations have dark tunnels ,long platforms and are full of people from all over the world.Tube stations are slightly eerie and at sometimes surreal with the loud train noises pounding through the walls and the large amounts of bustling people going and coming. The surreal and eerieness of the tube station compliments the sounds of the singers quirky,deep voice and the synthesia used in the instrumentation of the song. If I decide to not feature a band in my music video and instead only focus on the lead singer being a solo artist a tube station would be a great location. Another concept I have thought of was to use intertextuality in my video ,making references to the well known films Twilight and Romeo and Juilet. Edward Cullen the main character in Twilight is a misunderstood and isolated character before he meets Bella Swan. I have chosen to focus on Edward in the openning scenes of Twilight , where is looking down upon for being different. My solo artist would be very much like Edward misrepresented and not understood. The tube station would be excellent for my concept of a solo artist , as tube stations can be daunting and intimadating at times . This signifying to the audience that the singer is very much alone and is vunerable. The song suggests the singer has lost a love or may be suffering from some emotional pain ,the isolated and slient train carriage emphasises the emotional feelings the singer has. Filiming on a tube carriage would be perfect ,making the artist /band stand out from the crowd which matchs the unusal song. Waiting on a tube station platform is a good way to start the music video as many ideas and stories can be based around this. For example the lead singer or band are waiting the arrival of someone , the singer misses his train or the waiting might symbolise the boredom and fustration the band /singer is currently enduring in their life. The lighting is perfect for filming the music video , the dim florescent lights create a chilled and mellow atmosphere which compliments the mood of the song.

The Eighties:
The song's drum loop and synthesizer featured in the instrumentation is similar to '80s music, however the song has a grungy modern twist. I thought the '80s era would be an interesting theme for the video ,  with the unusual elaborate makeup, fashion sense and quirky images. When researching the '80s I looked at videos by artists such as The Breeders, Pearl Jam, hole, Nirvana and The Human League. I was inspired by all of the videos however I particularly liked The Human League video "Don't you want me baby?". I liked the mise en scene of the video, the bright and colourful makeup and long brown coat the female lead singer wore. I also liked the camrea work , especially the close up shot of the male lead singer at the start and the longshot of the female lead walking through the streets with the nightime behind her.

My song sounds very relaxed and mellow ,therefore filming in a dimly lit studio,by street lamps or candles would complement the vibe of the song. The dimly lit school gymnasium in Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" has also very much inspired my idea for choice of setting , I love the smoky washed out yellow lighting. Many eighties videos feature school proms, dance halls and gymnasisms , I would very much like to recreate one of these retro and old school settings. I very much like the style of eighties clothing , lots of bracelts ,eyeliner , long coats ,leather jackets and  long necklaces. However I would like to modernise this with some pieces of clothing from my generation , I think a mixture of eighties clothes and the clothes we wear today would be an interesting choice of wardrobe to explore and experiment with. The floresuent lights in "Gary Numan's" video " Cars" might be a potentail lighting concept , I also liked some of the camrea tecniques for example during the middle of the video the camrea zooms into Numans face ,which might be a good idea to feature in my video to show the singer's emotions or feelings during the song.

Romeo and Juilet/Twilight

One of my other ideas for a music video is using intertexuality ( making references to well know films or Tv series ). My idea for intertextual references are 'Romeo and Juliet', a film produced in 1996 directed by Baz Luhrmann, and 'Twilight' directed by Catherine Hardwicke and made in 2008. Both films represent two very misunderstood and otherwordly young males which is how I would essentially like my lead male singer to be.  I would like to represent him therefore as someone who is alone, isolated and perhaps does not conform to society's expectations. Through styling,  the connotations of appearance, mise en scene and locations I believe will give my music video a dark, atmospheric feel and also create a sense of mystery for the audience.  My target teenage audience (14-18) would be able to identify easily with the lead singer as they are able to connect with this archetypal, quietly rebellious misfit.

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