Tuesday 29 November 2011

Shooting on Tuesday 22nd November

Shooting - 22nd November

On Tuesday the 22nd of November I did some more filming. After Jim Cole's visit it was agreed that my music video would be mainly performance based focusing on the lead singer. Therefore I had to get a larger variety of shots of only Rowan. We met in Camden outside the Roundhouse at seven thirty. We then spent two and a half hours shooting.We shot at  Camden market, near the Roundhouse , Chalk Farm and Belsize Park.

Styling :
 Rowan turned up to the shoot wearing a Lou Reed T-shirt , baggy jeans , blue hoody and Nike trainers. This look is very contemporary and a classic urban style which didn't need much interference. Lou Reed suggested that he was a fan of rock music which is of a similar style to my music video. The hoody created a teenage angst representation. Rowan's hair was swept back and slightly messy as if he had just left a house party or rock concert , which fitted the video's image perfectly. Rowans hoop earring and silver ring  showed his individuality. Typically  in Indie music videos the band members are often quite androgynous,  wearing skinny jeans with long hair and tight fitting shirts  and sometimes eyeliner.  This especially true of the eighties scene which was one of my influences. However Rowan does not conform to any of these  stereotypes but brings his own contemporary style to the set.

Technical - Camera , Shots and Lighting :
The technical equiment I used was a Sanyo Xacti film camera  and a tripod. During my last shoot in Camden , I had filmed most of the shots hand held. Therefore a lot of the shots turned out shaky, so the majority of my time on final cut pro was spent stabilizing shots. So this time round I filmed everything using a tripod. We began filming at around seven thirty in the evening, the only lighting we were able to use was from the street lights and shop lights.  This created a gloomy and gritty effect that looked great on camera.  I filmed a lot of long shots of Rowan on wide streets , this made Rowan stand out and isolated him. I also filmed a lot of close ups to show  Rowan's moody nature and attitude.

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