Monday 12 December 2011

Feedback from music video so far

On Wednesday the 7th of December I invited Gabriel a friend from school to view my music video so far. Over the the last few weeks the video has changed quite dramaticall, and on Monday and Tuesday I changed my introduction. My introduction was orignally shots of Camden, the lead singer , bridges and bottles of drink to introduce the world of the lead singer and also to create a grubby and shabby setting. On Monday I decided to use the shots of my lead singer walking across the cobbled stones, him posing by the wall and the bottles of drink and make this into one big shot of the three images using the cropping tool. I then used a shot of Camden and an empty bed in my introduction to create more of a narrative and suggest that Rowan wanted escapsim. I wanted Gabriel to view my video because I wanted to get an outsider's first thoughts and impression of my work. I asked Gabriel questions such as : What does the video signify to you?, What was your frist impression of the video? and What did you think of the use of effects? The answers and feedback I received from Gabriel now allows me to add more to my video and he also helped to give me an insight into how other people might view my music video.

Questions and Answers:

What was your first impression of the music video?

When I first viewed this video I thought of loneliness and depression. The video did not signify anger to me , I was mainly given the impression that it was about sadness.

What did you think of the use of effects?

I believe that the cutaway shots could definitely be longer and have more of a narrative. I liked the fading and the black and white was interesting, to me it suggested that the band was properly a past time to him or a distant memory.

Overall what does the music video signify to you?

It signifies someone very lonely who is not part of the crowd and does not have many friends or conform to soceity. The lead singer looks very soulful and reflective.

Do you think the music video fitted with the song?

Yes I did , the dark colours and gloomy effects really fitted the genre of music. The lead singer looked lost and almost trapped, which is reflected through the lyric as well.

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